It seems like ages since I've had a good walk and also a good Team PADS outing but thankfully this was rectified last weekend.
Patrick Hill fancied a wander up Win Hill near Ladybower Reservoir. He's done all the caches before but it's a great walk and with the weather looking so promising we packed up a picnic and took both families out for a good stretch.
Almost the whole gang (Patrick, Donna, Bethany, Jordan - Christianna was on an outing to Belgium) met up with us (me, Adam, Jade and Hannah) at 10:30 in Hope. Glorious sunshine met us there too and we all set off towards Win Hill.
Patrick had suggested that we add the coordinates for two archived caches into our GPSr because he suspected they would still physically be there. This, for me, was the only downer of the day. Not only did we find both of those caches still in place, but also another two archived caches which I had found previously and knew where they had been. I do wish cache owners would remove their geo-junk when they archive a cache. Failing that, after all there may be good reason they can't get to it, at least keep it active but change the description asking the next finder to remove it and then archive it.
Aside from that bugbear, the walk was really good fun through both beautiful open countryside and also managed woodland, and towards the end Win Hill afforded us some seriously spectacular views over Hope and Ladybower Reservoir - good job I'd taken my binoculars.
Turning a little right, a view to the A57 Snake Pass bridge which straddles the south part of the northern leg of Ladybower.
Turning right again, a view to the road to Bamford and the southern section of Ladybower. (Image comes with free random strangers picniccing.)
Speaking of binoculars (they're quite heavy,) something struck me about the day too; I'd packed sixteen sandwiches for the four of us, three litres of water, crisps, chocolate, first aid kit and binoculars - the rucksack was as heavy as any I've carried yet I hardly noticed it. We did 8 miles up a decent hill in hot weather but I felt completely fine after - I may not be losing any weight but I'm certainly MUCH fitter than this time last year.