Hello there.
With the intention of meeting up with my sister and her new dog I planned a short walk along the Trans-Pennine-Trail at Thurgoland today. My sister was concerned about the pup walking too far for it's young age.
Dexter, for tis his name, is a collie-cross-labrador and runs around like the Tasmanian Devil on speed. I do understand it's all a big act though, and once back home he crashes down dead for two hours. He's an adorable thing and is just at that age where everything is exciting and interesting; whether it's a piece of grass, a butterfly or a pile of horse droppings. I think when he grows up he will become a weaver - I've seen how, at only 3 months old, he can tangle 10 human and 4 dog legs in seconds.
We had a nice stroll for a couple of hours at a leisurely pace and found three simple caches. The highlight was probably walking through a long disused train tunnel that I hadn't seen for 20 years. They've spoiled the fun by installing lights; originally it was pitch dark in the middle where you couldn't see either end because of the bend and had to stumble forwards carefully feeling your way in front for fear of bumping your head. Now it's all lights and concrete paths - blasted health and safety!!
We popped off at a local pub for Sunday lunch after and almost got ourselves in a pickle when we found out they didn't accept credit or debit cards. Luckily we had just enough for food and a jug of water. Shame really... I'd like to have seen someone actually getting the kids to do some washing up!
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