Tuesday, 17 August 2010

In which our legs look backwards...?

I know there's a general bad feeling about people planting new caches when they've only found 10 on their own, as they are still beginners and perhaps not overly aware of rules, regulations and perhaps more importantly what makes a cache good or bad. Also there's the worry that they may get bored of the hobby and end up leaving behind 10 unsupported caches.

For this very reason I decided yesterday to go and bag a brand new series that's recently been placed by newcomers to the sport - I wanted to "get in there" before it turned sour.

Now don't get me wrong; I hope it doesn't go wrong and I hope these newcomers, just like me only 3 months ago, end up being around for the long game - and yes, I am only too aware that for many players I am still a newcomer and will be for a long long time to come.

Anyway after a bad start (and I confess things were looking pretty dreadful for the series) we managed to hack our way through woodland to find our way from the second to the third cache and from then on it was a nice walk to complete the five. The only downside then was that the route wasn't circular and we were 2 miles from the car. However walking back along the roads we detoured a little to pick up an unrelated cache and enjoyed our evening stroll and chat along the country lanes.

Six more in the bag and 4.9 miles walked which then got me to thinking...

After the 15 minute drive home my legs were a little stiff but from then until now I have had no side effects. Yes it was only 5 miles, but how would I have felt 3 months ago? I truly wish I could compare my fitness from 3 months ago side-by-side with myself now.

I can't remember how I felt but I'd guess it was pretty awful.

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