Monday, 10 January 2011

A quick catch-up

I know I've been remiss lately with regard to my blog, so apologies to me when I read this rather slack diary in the future.

Christmas and New Year have both been and gone, and I've worked pretty much through it solidly. I've been caching quite a few times but simply not had the chance, or really the motivation, to blog it.

So here is a summary:

29/12/2010 - Did 12 drive-by caches with Patrick. He was pushing to get his 1000 before his 12-month caching anniversary and as the weather was rubbish he decided to do these - they're pretty much ones you wouldn't want to do in nice weather. We only walked to a couple and the distance was under half a mile.

29/12/2010 - In the evening we popped out to get the last three Patrick needed for his 1000. The plan being that they'd be Mr Truffles as his very first cache was also one by him. Sadly one of the caches had been muggled so we left at 999 having walked 1.4 miles. (Patrick actually got a good result here - that very evening Mr T published a very tough puzzle which Patrick got the next morning for his 1000th cache with the bonus of also being the First-To-Find.)

02/01/2011 - Went to a BBQ(!) at Snoopyisboss's house. This was a small event with 15 fellow geocachers and a great time was had by all, Snoopy (Sarah) really did herself proud. No walking or caching but certainly lots of eating and drinking!

03/01/2011 - Went to do a Mr. Truffles series at Barnburgh, one we'd thought we might squeeze in at the Halloween event but ran out of time. This was a nice walk with Patrick & family who were just along for the walk as they'd found them all before. Four miles in total.

08/01/2011 - Did a series called 'Scooby Doo - Where are you?' near Hooton Pagnell. This is all reclaimed pit land and made for a nice, albeit very wet, four mile walk. It was also a good test for my new 'real' walking boots which I had treated myself to over the festive season and of which I am very proud. (There was a small footbridge which had flooded so I carried the kids across.)

And that's that. I'm hoping to get some good solo walks in this month as I have holiday days I need to use up. Fingers crossed I sort my act out and do it!

1 comment:

  1. Its about time too, been waiting ages for a new installment :)
