Geocaching Software

I've written a couple of "old-school" programs 'Carpet Bomber' and 'GPX_Alter' that filled a need I had. I'm afraid they are both written in good old-fashioned QuickBASIC from the DOS days gone-by and consequently will not run on 64-bit operating systems. If you're not sure then try it anyway, it won't hurt.

These programs are standalone programs and need no installation.

Carpet Bomber
I was struggling on a puzzle cache and had one digit missing on each coordinate and I was truly stumped. So rather than manually search each possible option I wrote something that batch created a GPX file that I could use with Garmin MapSource and also in Google Earth. This way I can check all the possible coordinates to see if any are in likely places.

Download it from my website here: and before you run it test it against 20-odd virus programs here for free: (I believe that my system is virus free, and so does that website, but I cannot be held responsible for any infections caused by using my software; you use it at your own risk.)

When you run the software you enter each set of coordinates separately e.g.

n53 22.2x7 (the x can be anywhere)
w001 3y.123 (the y can be anywhere)

and it will then create a GPX file with all 100 combinations included. You can include/exclude the x and include/exclude the y but you cannot have two variables on one coordinate.

GPX Alter
My second piece of software takes a GPX file and alters a couple of fields. I'm sure it will work for any GPS device and/or software but I wanted the fields altered on my Garmin Vista HCx because of the limited field sizes of the two usable fields.

(I am well aware that GSAK does this and much MUCH more but my program was sufficient for my limited requirements.)

To use the software simply drag and drop an existing Geocaching GPX file onto this program, it will parse it and write a new file called "CONVERT.GPX" into the same folder as the original GPX. The original GPX remains unchanged.

The new GPX file has the following alterations:
The NAME field is altered from GCxxxxx to GCxxxxx-tsdr where
t = type - [t]raditional/[m]ulti/[?]unknown/[w]ebcam etc
s = size - [m]icro/[s]mall/[r]egular etc
d = difficulty - 1-5 and a=1.5, b= 2.5, c=3.5, d=4.5
r = terrain - 1-5 and a=1.5, b= 2.5, c=3.5, d=4.5

It also alters the DESCRIPTION field by removing the author/type/difficulty/terrain and any non-alphabet non-numeric characters and then adds the hint on the end. (This is of limited use given that the Vista HCx has a maximum of 30 characters in this field but it's the best I could do.)

Essentially now you can view the GC code, size, type, terrain, difficulty, name and hint all on a GPSr that only supports 2 fields (name and notes).

Note that this program is not configurable. It does one job and one job only.

Download it from my website here: and before you run it test it against 20-odd virus programs here for free: (I believe that my system is virus free, and so does that website, but I cannot be held responsible for any infections caused by using my software; you use it at your own risk.)