Monday, 20 September 2010

Bradfield take two

After a lazy Saturday (not planned but as a result of a needlessly long Friday night session with several friends from work) we set off on Sunday to do two separate series around South Bradfield. We had originally planned a long series around the North side of Doncaster but the bad weather made us think twice so Patrick (he of Team PADS fame) came up with a plan of two small series split by a pub meal - this way we could stop if the weather was too awful.

We met at 11am in light drizzle, on the Damflask reservoir wall (where we were only two weeks ago) and set off to do A Stroll Around the Brickworks. This was a nice 2 mile series of 6 caches with some lovely views and unfortunately some heavy mud.

Once again the children had been bribed at 50p per cache but to avoid in-fighting between the 5 of them I came up with a new plan; the kids would share £1 between them... they initially thought this was a bad deal until we explained they had five times the chance of getting 20p each.

This also meant the adults had to try harder to save some dough!

We finished the first series and went to the Nag's Head Inn for a fabulous home-cooked meal each, and then decided to continue onto another series called Storrs Circular. This was a longer walk of nearly 4 miles, 4 caches, a little more hill-climbing involved but the view were staggering and made all the more beautiful by rainbows.

The drizzle was on and off all day but not really bad at all; I think we got more drenched from wading through a couple of cow-pat soaked fields! We had a great day caching, chatting and walking and for once I also think the kids enjoyed it too!

Overall result: Kids 6, Adults 4.

Actually I'll put this in more detail to put Patrick and Donna, in fact the Hills overall (except star Bethany) to shame:

The Kids
Bethany 3
Adam 2
Jade 1
Christiana 0
Jorden 0

The Adults
Mark 3
Hannah 1
Patrick 0
Donna 0

Special thanks to the Hill family for their company and also their map which we needed for one of the puzzles. Cheers all.

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